What to Expect
at White Salmon
United Methodist Church
We are excited to welcome you to White Salmon United Methodist Church! Here you'll find a basic description of what happens in worship each week.
All are welcome at White Salmon UMC.
Please note, at this time we are not livestreaming. Please join us in person!

The people come together in the Lord's name. There may be greetings, music and song, prayer and praise.
You'll receive a bulletin which contains the information you'll need to join in worship. "UMH" is the United Methodist hymnal, which is the red book in the pew racks.
We hear the Scriptures opened through the reading of lessons, preaching, witnessing, music, or other arts and media. Interspersed may be psalms, anthems, and hymns. Responses to God's Word include acts of commitment and faith with offerings of concerns, prayers, gifts, and service for the world and for one another.
In services without Communion, thanks are given for God's mighty acts in Jesus Christ.
In services with Communion, the actions of Jesus in the Upper Room are reenacted:
taking the bread and cup,
giving thanks over the bread and cup,
breaking the bread, and
giving the bread and cup.
Communion is usually celebrated on the first Sunday of the month.
We are sent into ministry with the Lord’s blessing.
We gather in the large room north of the church - known as Wesleyan Hall - for coffee and treats and a time to visit and get to know visitors.

Sacraments are sign-acts, which include words, actions, and physical elements. They both express and convey the gracious love of God. They make God's love both visible and effective. We might even say that sacraments are God's 'show and tell,' communicating with us in a way that we, in all our brokenness and limitations, can receive and experience God's grace.
-This Holy Mystery
UMC Statement
on Holy Communion
As Christians in the Methodist tradition, we believe in the sacrament of Baptism as a symbol of new life and a commitment to follow Jesus. It is a sacred and joyous occasion where we welcome individuals into the family of faith. If you are interested in Baptism for yourself or your child, please reach out to us for more information.
Holy Communion
We receive spiritual nourishment through Holy Communion. The Christian life is a journey, one that is challenging and arduous. To continue living faithfully and growing in holiness requires constant sustenance. God makes such sustenance available through the sacrament of Eucharist. As we return to the Table again and again, we are strengthened repeatedly. We go out empowered to live as disciples, reconcilers, and witnesses.
-This Holy Mystery
UMC Statement
on Holy Communion